Yesterday Jessy had her therapies. She has been doing really well practicing her walking and stimulations on her face. She blows whistles in speech therapy. She has to make sentences with "f" and "th" by reading from an index card. In physical therapy she practiced jumping the entire time. She was very scared at first. She thought she wouldn't be able to do it or that it would hurt. Her therapists encouraged her and stood by her side and soon enough they were jumping around the entire room! Mom was VERY proud!!! In occupational therapy she played with play-doh. She practiced putting big blocks in little holes. She also had to flip blocks over after trying to fit it in the small hole. (sorry she's not explaining it very clear to me LOL!)
Today she had an appointment with the neuroopthomologist. He wanted to see her before her surgery. He will see her again in November, in hopes that she has gained some feeling back in her left side. He has many great suggestions as to how Jessy will be able to see better after she gains back more feeling. He suggested some glasses that will not make her see double and allow her to open both eyes at the same time! I guess we will have to wait for her to gain that feeling back!
She also spent the day doing puzzles with her left hand! Here's a pic!
Tomorrow is her surgery!! They will be shutting 75% of her left eye! Lets keep her in our prayers!! I'll keep you posted!
Good luck tomorrow (I can't figure out out to leave my name here lol, it's Alicia from NJ).