Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Update on Doctor Appt.

Hi everyone just alittle update on whats been going on with Jessy! She hasn't gotten yet her results on the Dizzy Test they did on her a few weeks ago. She'll be going tomorrow 03/10/11 to see her ENT for the results of the Dizzy Test.
Jessy had the appointment with the Bascom Palmer Opthomologist on Friday, 03/04/11 and they did various test on her. The doctor did say that it seems that Jessy 6th Nerve (which is the one that moves the eye from side to side on the left side) it seems to be coming back as Jessy is now able to move her eye more than before. Her 7th Nerve (which is the one that helps with the blinking of the eye) still has not had much progress. But nothing to get down about within time she should be having some movement on that eye, as she also is starting to move her mouth more and more. She needs to continue her face exercises every day to see more and more progress. He was able to do an eye exam on the left eye (remember her eye is shut 75% she has 25% open to be able to check the cornia) and Jessy did very well. Her eye sight on the left eye was an 80. The doctor says she probably can see even better once the eye is opened.
Yesterday 03/08/11 Jessy had the appointment with the Pediatrician just for a regular check up as she goes to him every month. Jessy was not expecting for him to give her 3 vaccinations that she had not been given last year because of the operation. It was a tough moment as she definitely DOES NOT LIKE SHOTS!! After almost 30 minutes of trying to convince her she finally gave in and had her shots. This vaccination is necessary for the return to school as she is a 7th grader. Hopefully Jessy will be attending school the last 9 weeks for a few hours a day and she will continue the Homebound school twice a week.
Make a Wish foundation still has not been able to set a date for her meeting with the Jonas Brothers, as said before they are not on tour so it makes it alittle more difficult. But we should be hearing something soon.
On March 21st Jessy will have her 2nd MRI done just to follow up and make sure everything is fine. The results will be a week later. Will keep you posted on the results! We know it WILL be good!!

Will keep you informed of the results of the Dizzy test and if Make a Wish calls!

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